Herman Pekel (Australian 1956-)

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Herman Pekel (Australian 1956-)

Herman Pekel born in Melbourne in 1956, at 17 he holds his first solo exhibition in Melbourne, which was a sell-out.

Early in his career, he painted on location with well-listed artists Ernest Buckmaster, Lance McNeill’s and Roger Webber; these talented artists left a strong impression on his development

as an artist, enabling him individuality that liberated his spontaneity of creative thought, leading him to work instinctively with light.

He spends three years studying and painting in Amsterdam, including London, where he encountered the works of Constable, Turner and Rembrandt. These artists impressed him and influenced his own art practice.

On returning to Melbourne in 1981, he began studying for his fine arts degree at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, studying under artists such as Dale Hickey, Jeff Makin and Clifton Pugh.

These artists had a substantial impact on cultivating his appreciation of contemporary art and experimentation with abstract impressionism.

His tonal works in oil and watercolour express contemporary impressionism to the fullest and range from Rural/City Landscapes, Café/Bar Interiors to Dynamic Industrial Scenery.

A multi-award-winning painter: a three-time winner of the coveted Camberwell Gold Medal Art Award plus awarded the prestigious Alice Bale Award in 1989and again in 1993. You will find early works done by Herman signed “Herman Pekel” with his later works signed “Pekel.”

His works are featured in several books:

  •  “Australian Impressionist and Realist Artists,” compiled by Tom Roberts (nephew of impressionist artist Tom Roberts) and features Australian artists.
  • “120 Years of Watercolours” by the Australian Realist Artists.
  • “Artists and Galleries of Australia and New Zealand” by Max Germaine.

Herman is a painter of immense talent and insight and continues to exhibit across Australia actively and internationally.

His artworks are Represented in

  • Artbank Sydney.
  • Castlemaine Regional Gallery Castlemaine Victoria.
  • Grafton Regional Gallery NSW.
  • Bathurst Regional Gallery NSW.
  • Cadbury Schweppes.

Also, many public and private collections in Australia and Overseas.

If you have more info on Herman Pekel you would like to share, please contact us via email