Villawood Redstone Estate Cockatoo Scultpure’s

Villawood Redstone Estate Cockatoo Sculpture’s

This blog post is about the Cockatoo Sculptures at the Villawood Redstone Estate Sunbury; these sculptures were produced by renowned artist Folko Cooper and partner Maureen Craig (Koopertasmania) who are based in Tasmania. 

Redstone Estate Cockatoo Sculpture The McCorry Collection 2

I’ve written this article out of my love for the Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, seen as a pest by some, and others as an Aussie icon and character of the Australian landscape. 

From early in life, I have always had a great passion for all wildlife, especially for birds, having had pet Galas, Budgies, Finches etc., as a kid, with parrots being one of my favorites.

I acquired the love for birds from my father, who built us kids a bird Avery; he also housed many a pet Canary on our porch. I remember as a youngster waking to the song of these Canaries, although it was not always welcomed as a teenager trying to sleep in.

Redstone Estate Cockatoo Sculpture The McCorry Collection 3

My interest in Sulphur Crested Cockatoos grew from the abundant population of these birds in Melbourne. Many people I have come into contact with have had one as a pet at some stage, or at least can relate to a cocky in a cage at pet shops and wildlife sanctuaries just waiting for us to say “Hello Cocky”. 

To see these wild likeable larrikins, often seen hanging upside down from power lines and tree branches with their crest fully extended, displaying cheeky antics is magically; you could quickly lose yourself in their world, captivated as they go on with their lives.

I first saw these sculptures whilst travelling along the Bulla – Sunbury Road; it was no surprise that these Cockatoo sculptures would catch my eye; they have fascinated myself and my family ever since we first laid eyes on them. 

Redstone Estate Cockatoo Sculpture The McCorry Collection 5

The sculptures automatically put a smile on my face, looking so proud, naughty and playful. The artist has perfectly captured how these birds display their vast and varied body language, built to be admired with their ageing rustic patina, thus complementing the surrounding landscape. It is a beautiful piece of aesthetic artwork by Koopertasmania.

Villawood Properties originally commissioned the “Cocky” Sculptures for the National Flower and Garden Show held in Melbourne in 2014, shortly after the show the sculpture’s were transported to their new home on the Villawood Redstone Estate, Sunbury, Victoria.

Redstone Estate Cockatoo Sculpture The McCorry Collection 7

Folko has made these giant sculptures from Corten steel, “a mild architectural steel” admired for its strength and colour, made with its chemical composition that resists the damaging effects of rain, snow, ice, fog, and other weather conditions.

The metal forms a coating of dark brown oxidation; this process slows the atmospheric deterioration of the metal and negates the need for painting and rust-prevention maintenance over time.

U. S. Steel produced the material for coal wagons in the early 20th century and trademarked it Cor-Ten. Modernist architecture extensively used the product in the ’50s and 60’s for its early colour and weathering properties and its integral strength.

Photo by J. Crocker of chicago picasso The McCorry Collection

Picasso constructed Chicago’s Famous Daley Plaza Public Art Sculpture out of the material, unveiling it in 1967 to thousands of people. The sculpture is Chicago’s most admired attractions for its unique surface texture and modernist design which was groundbreaking for public art in its day.

Picasso Daley Plaza Public Art Sculpture photo by J. Crocker 2004 

The Cockatoo Sculptures are located on the Melbourne side of Sunbury Road, just minutes before the Sunbury Township; and are a attractive feature of the new estate.

Hope you enjoy this article if you would like to add any information on the sculptures please feel free to leave a Reply below.

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