2023 Daily updates June

Hand building a clay wall pocket

Hand building a clay wall pocket, using stamps to decorate and attaching a thrown vase using scoring and slip!

Lets get started

First you will need a thrown vase that has been cut in half, then:

1. Roll clay slabs to desired thickness using guides, ensuring evenness and flatness to prevent warping. (We using a slab roller but two strips of wood and a rolling pin will also work. See more on rolling out clay here

2. Cut out the pocket shape, leave enough room for the half pot or decorations to be applied, think of the rough shape your looking to get in the finished product and go for that, just remember it needs to lay flat in the kiln when being fired!

3. Score the areas for decoration and clay connection using a scoring tool or fork to create cross-hatched marks.

4. Apply clay slip (watered-down clay) to the scored areas and vase, pressing them together firmly for a secure bond.

5. Use your finger to smooth out the joins and help press the slip into the corners where the two pieces of clay meet.

6. Place the wall pocket on a supportive surface to prevent warping (we recommend plywood cutouts) allowing it to dry slowly and evenly under a plastic bag.

7. Refine the surface with tools, sponges, rubber kidneys to smoothing out rough edges and seams.

8. Allow to dry evenly and SLOWLY! We cannot stress enough how important it is to dry a big flare piece of clay out as slowly as possible, this will prevent the piece from warping!

9. Bisque fire the wall pocket once dried and then move on to the decorating or glazing!!

Remember to experiment, learn, and enjoy the creative process. Let your imagination shine and happy potting!! 🥳

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