2023 Daily updates October

Creating an Art Vase Without a Potter’s Wheel

Crafting a beautiful art vase doesn’t require a potter’s wheel; let’s dive into the process:

1. Start with two clay halves, meticulously cut out from a template. Place these halves over a mould and shape them, then score and slip and join them together.

2. To achieve uniformity and ensure a flawless c… Read More “Creating an Art Vase Without a Potter’s Wheel”

2023 Daily updates October

Making A Pottery Art Vase

So todays little caption is going to be a little different 

Im solely going to be talking about the relationship between an art pot such as this one and clay wall thickness. 

The thickness of the walls is so important for odd shapes such as this one mainly because clay walls that are of unif… Read More “Making A Pottery Art Vase”

2023 Daily updates October

Testing and Understanding Glaze Ingredients

In our journey to develop better glazing outcomes, we embark on the intriguing process of glaze testing. In this experiment we are deliberately removing certain components from a glaze recipe to observe the distinct role ingredients play in the final outcome. Here’s how we go about this process:&nbs… Read More “Testing and Understanding Glaze Ingredients”

2023 Daily updates October

Making A Pottery Flower Pot

So for today’s video, I’ll be showing you how to make this flower pot. This is only the second pot that I have made with its soul purpose to be used as a garden feature. But looking to also make some more too as I think they are a great functional piece!

Feel free to let me know what you think. In th… Read More “Making A Pottery Flower Pot”

2023 Daily updates October

Making a Pottery Conical Mug

Ill be walking you through how I make a wheel thrown cup with a hand pulled handle

This is one of two designs I will be posting about, hope you enjoy!

Few Tips On How I Made This:

1. Decide on the shape and style of your cup. You can create anything from a classic cylindrical shape to more creative and… Read More “Making a Pottery Conical Mug”

2023 Daily updates October

How We Make This Ruffle Bowl from Start to Finish 

Crafting a stunning ruffle bowl, from the initial clay block to the final glazed masterpiece. Here’s a comprehensive look at how to create one:

1. Start by taking a block of clay and position it on a slab roller. Adjust the roller to achieve a thickness of 6 to 7 mm. Roll out the clay into a flat sla… Read More “How We Make This Ruffle Bowl from Start to Finish ”

2023 Daily updates October

Making A Twist Design Vase

Today we have this small spiral vase that I recently threw on the wheel

While I have done similar shapes like this one before this was one of my more deliberate attempts. 

Using a slow speed on the wheel, this allowed me to really stretch the clay in one go, adding a little more prep beforehand b… Read More “Making A Twist Design Vase”

2023 Daily updates October

How to Hand-Build a Pottery Dinner Plate: From Start to Finish

In this guide, we’ll take you through the process of crafting a hand-built dinner plate from start to finish. Here are the steps to create your beautiful, custom dinner plate:

Step 1: Begin by tracing the shape of your dinner plate onto a piece of clay. And cut out with a clay knife.

Step 2: Lay the c… Read More “How to Hand-Build a Pottery Dinner Plate: From Start to Finish”

2023 Daily updates October

Wheel Throwing Walkthrough

So we have some new clay today! This is the same clay used in our studio before, same as the white number 6 we have been using but with the added speckle 

The white clay has always been a little harder to work with compared to the browner clay “buff” that also has speckle, so to get pretty much … Read More “Wheel Throwing Walkthrough”

2023 Daily updates October

DIY Name Plaque for a Door

In this project, we will guide you through creating a unique name plaque to personalise a bedroom door. Let’s dive into the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Impress a Doily Pattern: Begin by rolling out your clay to the desired thickness. To add an intricate doily pattern, you can use rollers available … Read More “DIY Name Plaque for a Door”