Art as an Investment News

Artworks & Collectables gaining momentum

Investment in Artworks & Collectables have been turning heads recently, with investors looking for diversity, assurance plus return on investment.

Artworks & Collectables have been beating pre sale estimates at auction sales in recent years especially since the outbreak of Covid-19. This type of investing is consider by more investors today as serious business.

A lot has been written about today’s investor, the confidence and the uncertainty that the investor faces in regard to which way global interest rates are heading and the effects that will have on the stock and bond markets.

Today’s investor wants more control and has been turning to, but not limited to, Artworks & Collectables to diversify their portfolios and mitigate some risk. The bottom line is investors are looking for more value-prone and lifestyle enhancing, decorative investment items and thus the pricing of these items is increasing.

The rolling changes in people’s lives since Covid-19 from one of travelling to work every day, to one of more people working from home, has fuelled this growing trend.

We see evidence of this in across-the-board increases in the value of these tangible assets by the clearance rates and the uptick in competing bids of Artworks & Collectables sold at auction here in Australia and across the world.

The dramatic increases in prices being paid in the Artworks & collectibles market are clearly making people sit up and pay attention. It appears that investors are seeing this type of investment as a way forward well into the future.

[1] Numisbing Group Collectibles Fund increases YOY growth

[2] and it’s not Baby Boomers, but Gen X’ers who are dictating market prices

[3] like the mint condition batman comic book that sold for $2.2M, breaking a record for batman comic books.




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