2023 Daily updates June

How to Create A Pottery “Moon” Vase

To create your own Moon Vase, gather the following materials: a rolled slab of clay, a round plastic or similar template, clay tools, and a plaster mould (a kitchen bowl covered with plastic wrap can serve as a mould).

We talk more about wedging, rolling, and compressing the clay, including using templates in a previous blog, how to make a pottery tumbler part 1-2.

1. Start by using the template to cut out circle from the clay slab. Place the clay cut-out on the mould, ensuring it is centre, and press it down firmly. Clean up any excess clay.

2. Repeat the process to make another identical clay piece. Allow both halves to dry until they can be easily removed from the mould. Trim the edges of the halves to ensure they fit together nicely.

3. Score the edge of the two halves and apply slip (liquid clay) to create a strong bond. Join the two halves together, using pottery tools to blend them seamlessly.

4. Create a rim for the neck of the vase by cutting a larger circle with a cookie cutter. Then, cut a smaller circle from the centre, leaving the rim intact. Make a small hole at the top of the vase’s body and attach the cut rim to it.

5. Neaten the rim by shaping and smoothing the outer area as well as make sure inside is attached and smooth.

6. Add feet to the vase by rolling small clay pieces and trimming the ends with a knife. Attach the feet to the base of the vase, ensuring stability. Repeat this process for all four feet.

7. Once you finish attaching the feet, let the vase dry upside down on a foam surface until the feet are firm enough to support the weight. Use a sponge and a little water to tidy up any rough areas.

8. Dry the piece thoroughly and proceed to bisque fire it.

By following these steps, you can create your own Moon Vase. Enjoy the creative process and embrace the satisfaction of crafting a unique piece of pottery.

Happy Potting to you! 😀

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